Are you planning to gain experience in research in the Philippines? Can you contribute to the development of local communities? Are you an active person with a special interest in the region of Southeast Asia?
We are delighted to announce a call for participants in a research expedition/internship.
Where: Philippines, Guimaras island
When: February/March 2023 (the dates will be specified but expect 30 days in Philippines)
Who: FRDIS students in Bachelors and Masters study programmes
What: Participation in research on Guimaras Island during a month-long internship and two shorter excursions within the Philippines.
Two planned lines of research:
- Guimaras bridge construction connecting island with Panay and Negros Islands concerning development concerns.
- Mangoes as a tool for tourism development
Supervisor: Ondřej Konečný, Tadeáš Hrušovský
Language requirements: English
Financial conditions: a monthly scholarship of CZK 20,000 for each participant (covering mainly accommodation costs, local transport) and travel expenses to/from destination country are covered by OMVI MENDELU
Duties after departure:
- team presentation of the results of the research carried out during the course Defense of foreign internship project.
- hand-in set of primary data.
Deadline for the submission: 20th November 2022
Procedure: please, submit the following documents through the CONTACT CENTRE in UIS (title “Přihláška na výjezd studentů s akademiky do zahraničí”):
- Cover Letter – download template here
- CV in English (1page)
- Motivation letter (1 page) that will show your interest and justify your choice of the research topic (research plan including background, methodology and expected outcomes) from the two suggested above.
Selected students will be invited to the selection process – first half of December 2022.
If in doubt or in case of questions and issues regarding the internship, contact Ondřej Konečný, Ph.D. or Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková, Ph.D.
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