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BIOERA+ Innovative Bioeconomy in University Education, international Erasmus+ project
Design Thinking workshop is dedicated to teachers, educators and their students. Together and by using attractive and engaging cooperation and teaching methods we would like to answer the following question: „How might we help students to get valuable, satisfactory and highly desirable study experience through innovative and engaging teaching methods?”
We will use the Design Thinking Method, which has been successfully utilised in a wide variety of sectors all over the world and is constantly being developed. We chose Design Thinking because it is a very dynamic and human-centred approach to learning, cooperating and problem solving. It can be flexibly implemented in an educational environment, serving equally well as a framework for course design or a structured framework for identifying challenges, developing potential solutions, refining and testing ideas. During the course, you will get to know and experience all stages of the process: empathy, needs identification, ideas generation, prototyping and testing.
DAY 1, 1st of June 2022, Room Z25
09:30 – 10:15 Integration and welcoming session
09:45 – 10:15 Introduction to the creative approach towards problem solving based on the Design Thinking.
10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 10:45 Design Thinking benefits and good practices.
10:45 – 11:30 Design Thinking Phase 1: Empathy as a way of finding inspiration for problem solving – personas and their needs
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch (university canteen)
12:30 – 13:30 Design Thinking Phase 1: Empathy – developing an empathy map
DAY 2, 2nd of June 2022, Room Z25
09:30 – 10:15 Design Thinking Phase 2: Definition of Point of View
10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:30 Exercises, icebreakers and energisers for overcoming creative blocks
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch (university canteen)
12:30 – 13:30 Design Thinking Phase 3: Ideation – effective brainstorming and other methods of ideating.
DAY 3, 3rd of June 2022, Room Z25
09:30 – 10:15 Design Thinking Phase 4 – The art of prototyping.
10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:30 The three dimensions of prototyping and creative work.
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch (university canteen)
12:30 – 13:30 Design Thinking Phase 5 – Testing and improving the prototyped idea
• Competences to conduct creative workshops.
• Competences to stimulate and moderate creativity among students.
• Specific tools for carrying out each stage of the Design Thinking process.
• The opportunity to practice moderating and using various tools including Design Thinking to work with a group.
• Improved English language competences.
• Personal development
Kasia Piecuch – Design Thinking Certified Moderator Kasia specialises in project development and management. Her main ambition is to translate innovative ideas into real actions. Kasia accumulated her knowledge and skills while working in the business and public sectors in Poland and abroad. Twenty years’ professional experience has given her the opportunity to coordinate projects she is passionate about, to fundraise for actions she believes in, and to train those who are open to change and challenges.
Marzena Wieczorek – Project Management and Design Thinking Trainer Marzena is a qualified Project Management Professional® with more than ten years’ experience leading full project lifecycles and motivational programmes for a wide range of international organisations. She creates original project management course materials and educational games.
About M-Powered
We are a team of experienced, professional trainers and consultants who specialise in project management, creativity, and work-life balance. We mainly work with staff of educational institutes and NGOs to help them to increase efficiency, creative problem solving, job satisfaction, and balance in their work and personal lives. We believe that everyone is deserving of a career in which they feel motivated, fulfilled, and valued and we work with organisations and individuals to help them to achieve this. We do this by teaching our clients how to design and run meaningful projects, collaborate and
manage conflicts in teams, identify risks and implement positive change. We help people to boost their creativity and solve problems. We also support development of work-life balance strategies in schools, NGOs and businesses. Along with our courses, we have developed easy-to-implement methods and tools that will help you to improve your project work and create innovation, whether in a social, education or business environment.
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