Can you shortly introduce yourself?
My name is Ancuta, I am from Romania and I study International Relations and European Studies. I am a friendly person, I love travelling and discovering new things.
Is this your first experience living abroad? How about using English in everyday life?
It is not the first experience abroad, I have traveled before. And about speaking English every day, I think it’s a great thing for me. It helps me a lot to develop my speaking abilities.
Why did you choose Faculty of Regional Development and International studies for your Erasmus studies?
I chose this faculty because it holds my specialty and because I left myself to be influenced by my Romanian mates, who were here. They said that this is a very good faculty. Sincerely I do not regret it.
Which courses did you attend and how was it? Is there anything you like or don’t like?
I participated courses such as the European Union as a Global Actor in English, International Relations in English, Programs and Strategies of Regional Development in English, and many more. But for me the mentioned ones were more interesting, they gave me information that motivated me to learn and discover more.
Can you shortly compare with your studies in Romania?
Well, I was impressed by the fact that the lecturers here give us a lot of themes that we can work on individually or in groups, which is good. Thanks to this system I learned a lot. And the second thing different from the Romanian system is that the semester is divided into two blocks, which again is a very good solution for students to pass the exams much easier.
How do you like Brno from the student point of view?
From the student point of view, I think Brno is an interesting city. I think it has everything we need for our life. Besides its building, which makes me feel like in a historical setting, I experienced that it provides an active life full of fun. I very much appreciate this city, for me, it is „another side of life“.
How do you like the Czech Republic? Did you travel to other cities? What about customs or people?
The Czech Republic has made me want to know the new. It is a pleasant, peaceful and educated country. I have visited few cities here and I have participated in some well-organized events. One of these was the „Burcak wine trip“ in Mutenice. I was deeply impressed to see that hundreds of people from many countries attending this event. In addition, people were cheerful, friendly and always with a smile on their lips. That day I felt like in the family.
Can you give one advice to our future international students?
My advice for the future international students is that they have to take advantage of any opportunity offered and not to hesitate to try to discover the „new and beautiful“.
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