CEEPUS internships for winter or summer term 2017/18

31. 5. 2017
Faculty of Regional Developement and International Studies Mendel University in Brno open the call for CEEPUS internships for winter or summer semester 2017/18.

For general conditions of CEEPUS programme look at: www.ceepus.info


You can apply:

1. Austria:  University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, International Business Relations in Eisenstadt – 4 months, only in WS 2017

2. Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts – 4 months, WS or SS 2017/18

3. Serbia: University of Novi Sad, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science – 1 month, WS or SS 2017/18

Applications should be submitted by June 12th 23:59 in electronic form to pavel.ptacek@mendelu.cz  to Mr. Pavel Ptáček. Possible questions also e-mail to pavel.ptacek@mendelu.cz .


Documents to be submitted:

1. Filled out application with uploaded photo – here
2. CV
3. Motivation letter
4. English language exam (can be organized before the mobility if necessary)
5. A list of preferred courses to be studied – minimal number of credits = 18, not in case of short-term stay at University of Novi Sad, Serbia



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