Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies (FRDIS) is declaring a competition for a month (30 days without travelling) internship in Ghana, which will take place in September/October 2019. The aim of the stay is to get to know the conditions in the country as well as to work out an individual plan of a developing project or research study.
This call is open for all students from FRDIS MENDELU who will study in summer semester of academic year 2019/2020 and can thus defend their results from the internship.
Internship date: September/October 2019 (the exact date of departure and arrival will be specified)
Internship destination: Greater Accra region, Ghana
Financial conditions: Each student will receive return ticket and a budget of 15 000,- CZK to cover necessary expenses.
Contact person: doc. RNDr. Aleš Ruda, Ph.D. (ruda@mendelu.cz)
The way of application: The submission of required documents in English to Mrs. Kateřina Dolnik
Date of submission: till 3rd April 2019, 12:00 in hand
Required documents:
- application form
- CV
- letter of motivation (1 x A4)
- project abstract with the aim of the project and methodological outputs (max. 500 words),
condition: the project solution must be associated with the processing of final (bachelor/diploma) thesis
Supervisors: doc. RNDr. Aleš Ruda, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Tomáš Lošák, Ph.D., Ing. Simona Miškolci, Ph.D., Ing. Samuel Antwi Darkwah, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Schneider, Ph.D., doc. PhDr. Mgr. Josef Smolík, Ph.D., MBA, LL.M.
Possible topics:
- Possibilities of processing and utilizing surpluses of fruits and vegetables in Ghana in order to poverty reduction (prof. Lošák)
- Mapping the transformation of the natural landscape due to its economic use (doc. Ruda)
- Environmental consequences of mining industry (doc. Ruda)
- Impact of selected economic innovation in cultural landscape (doc. Ruda)
- Carrying capacity of the environment from the selected economic activity (doc. Ruda)
- The role of private sector in solid waste management in Ghana (Possible case study of Zoomlion ltd.) (dr. Miškolci)
- Prospects of using economic instruments to manage the plastic waste management in Ghana (dr. Miškolci)
- Prospects of using biodegradable and recyclable packaging material in Ghana (dr. Miškolci)
- Institutional structures for implementing environmental policy in Ghana (maybe a comparison and lessons that could be learn from CR) (dr. Miškolci)
- Prospects of urban mining to manage e-waste in Ghana (dr. Miškolci)
- Sugarcane and sugar production in Ghana (doc. Smolík)
- Plastic waste in Ghana the case of Accra (dr. Darkwah)
- Agriculture and illegal mining in Ghana (dr. Darkwah)
- Management plan of Aburi botanical garden (dr. Schneider)
- Mapping and valuing of ecosystem services of Aburi botanical garden (dr. Schneider)
- Mapping and valuing of ecosystem services and disservices of Accra green infrastructure (dr. Schneider)
- Microfinance and its Impact on Poverty Reduction in Ghana (dr. Hrabálek)
- Migration in Ghana and from Ghana (dr. Hrabálek)
Selection procedure: 5th April 2019, 9:00 – interview in English (conference room at dean’s office of FRDIS MENDELU)
Information about the competition: The selection procedure includes interview with the members of Selection Board and applicants will introduce and defend their project proposal.
Chosen students have to complete the subject “Proposal of Development Aid Project” at the beginning of summer semester.
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