Post-covid Recovery of Small Family Businesses in V4 Countries

27. 11. 2023

The main beneficiary is the MENDELU faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, other participants are the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, the Agricultural University in Krakow and the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra.

The main goal of the project is to identify possibilities of post-COVID recovery an adaptation processes of small family businesses in the multifunctional agriculture (MA) sector in V4 countries. Partial goals:

  1. Deeper understanding and mapping of factors affected the small family businesses during the COVID crisis;
  2. An overview of the perception of government measures in V4 countries to mitigate the consequences of COVID crisis;
  3. Dissemination of results and recommendations for recovery and adaptation processes of target group and their presentation at two organised conferences.

Principal investigator: Ing. Veronika Svatošová, Ph.D.,

Implementation period: 01/10/2021-31/03/2023

Total budget: 26 500 €

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