Call for CHILE 2023 research expedition

24. 4. 2023

Would you like to gain experience in research abroad? Are you an active person with a special interest in the region of Latin America? Would you like to contribute to the research MENDELU and UACh cooperate on?

We are delighted to announce a call for participants in a research expedition / internship.


Where: Chile, Valdivia and La Serena

When: October /November 2023 (the dates will be specified but expect 30 days in Chile)

Who: all MENDELU students in Bachelors and Masters study programmes who are planning to finish their studies in winter 2023, summer 2024 or winter 2024

What: participation in research on local communities in Chile (Los Rios, Araucanía, Santiago Metropolitan Region) including several excursions and also participating at Latin America and Caribbean Conference on Ecosystem Services Partnerships co-organized by FRDIS MENDELU.

Two planned lines of research in traditional knowledge, usage and management of ecosystem services:

  1. Mapuchas in contemporary Chile (doc.Horák)
  2. Czech community in Chile (dr.Zourek)
  3. Cultural Ecosystem Services in Chilean Landscapes (dr.hab.Inostroza)

Supervisors: dr. Michal Zourek, doc. Miroslav Horák, dr.hab. Luis Inostroza

Language requirements: Spanish and English (min.B1 and B2 respectively)

Financial conditions: a monthly scholarship of CZK 20,000 for each participant (covering mainly accommodation costs, and local transport) and travel expenses to/from the destination country are covered by OMVI MENDELU

Duties after departure:

  • team presentation of the results of the research carried out during the course Defense of foreign internship project.
  • hand-in set of primary data.


Deadline for the submission: 30th April 2023
Procedure: please, submit the following documents through the CONTACT CENTRE in UIS (title “Přihláška na výjezd studentů s akademiky do zahraničí”):

  • CV in English (1 page)
  • cover letter in English or Spanish (max 2 pages) including justification of the selected theme, background, intended research plan, methodology and expected outcomes, cooperation with the others

Longlisted students will be invited for an interview planned for the beginning of May.

If in doubt or in case of questions and issues regarding the internship, contact the respective supervisor or Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková, Ph.D. 

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