In order to enrol in the Diploma’s Thesis, usually in the second semester, you must successfully complete the Diploma’s Seminar course. In order to successfully complete the Diploma’s Seminar course, you must meet the attendance requirements, find a thesis supervisor, and then work together to agree on a thesis topic. The diploma’s thesis assignment must be entered in UIS and credit must be awarded by the diploma’s thesis supervisor.

If you hesitate about what topic to choose for your diploma’s thesis, here are some the thesis topics which are avalaible.

What should the Diploma’s thesis look like?

You can find out all the information about what a diploma’s thesis should look like in the course Diploma’s Seminar. You will learn how to search for literature, how to write a professional text and how to cite literature, tables, graphs or figures.

A Diploma’s thesis usually consists of the following parts:

  • Title page;
  • (a blank page is left between the title page and the declaration to insert the assignment when printing)
  • Declaration;
  • Acknowledgement;
  • Abstract and keywords in English;
  • Abstract and keywords in Czech;
  • Content;
  • Introduction;
  • Aim of the thesis;
  • Literature review;
  • Methodology;
  • Results;
  • Discussion;
  • Conclusion;
  • References;
  • List of used Abbreviations;
  • List of Tables, List of Figures, List of Graphs;
  • List of appendices.


The Declaration is strictly stipulated by the Rector’s Direction 3/2018 Publication of theses. The Declaration must be in the same language as the rest of the Diploma’s thesis.

I hereby declare that this thesis entitled …………NAME OF THE DIPLOMA’S THESIS………………………….
was written and completed by me. I also declare that all the sources and information used to complete the thesis
are included in the list of references. I agree that the thesis could be made public in accordance with Article 47b of
Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other
Acts (the Higher Education Act), and in accordance with the current Directive on publishing of the final theses. I
declare that the printed version of the thesis and electronic version of the thesis published in the application of the
Final Thesis in the University Information System are identical.

I am aware that my thesis is written in accordance to Act. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright, and therefore Mendel
University in Brno has the right to conclude licence agreements on the utilization of the thesis as a school work in
accordance with Article 60(1) of the Copyright Act.

Before concluding a licence agreement on utilization of the work by another person, I will request a written statement
from the university that the licence agreement is not in contradiction to legitimate interests of the university, and I
will also pay a prospective fee to cover the cost incurred in creating the work to the full amount of such costs.

In…………………Date………………… Signature

How to submit the diploma’s thesis?

The diploma’s thesis is submitted electronically and in printed form. The latest date for submission of the diploma’s thesis is indicated in the academic year schedule. The deadline for electronic and hard copy submission is the same.

When submitting electronically, the diploma thesis must be uploaded in PDF format in the UIS. In addition to uploading the diploma’s thesis, the abstract and keywords in both English and Czech must also be completed. After submission, the uploaded document will be checked by the plagiarism detection system.

The student has to give two copies of the thesis to his/her supervisor. In the printed version, the assignment of the diploma’s thesis must must be bound after the title page. A sample of the text for the hard cover of the Diploma’s Thesis is in this file.