In order to enrol in the Bachelor’s Thesis, usually in the fourth semester, you must successfully complete the Bachelor’s Seminar course. In order to successfully complete the Bachelor’s Seminar course, you must meet the attendance requirements, find a thesis supervisor, and then work together to agree on a thesis topic. The bachelor’s thesis assignment must be entered in the UIS and the credits must be awarded by the bachelor’s thesis supervisor.
If you hesitate about what topic to choose for your bachelor’s thesis, here are some the thesis topics which are avalaible.
What should the bachelor’s thesis look like?
You can find out all the information about what a bachelor’s thesis should look like in the course Bachelor’s Seminar. You will learn how to search for literature, how to write a professional text and how to cite literature, tables, graphs or figures. The thesis template can be found here.
If you are hesitant about doing your thesis, you can sign up for a course that will help you with your thesis – link for cource.
A bachelor’s thesis usually consists of the following parts:
- Title page;
- (a blank page is left between the title page and the declaration to insert the assignment when printing)
- Declaration;
- Acknowledgement;
- Abstract and keywords in English;
- Abstract and keywords in Czech;
- Content;
- Introduction;
- Aim of the thesis;
- Literature review;
- Methodology;
- Results;
- Discussion;
- Conclusion;
- References;
- List of used Abbreviations;
- List of Tables, List of Figures, List of Graphs;
- List of appendices.
The Declaration is strictly stipulated by the Rector’s Direction 3/2024 Publication of theses. The Declaration must be in the same language as the rest of the Bachelor’s thesis.
How to submit the bachelor’s thesis?
The bachelor thesis is submitted electronically. The latest date for submission of the bachelor thesis is indicated in the academic year schedule.
When submitting electronically, the bachelor thesis must be uploaded in PDF format in the UIS. In addition to uploading the bachelor’s thesis, the abstract and keywords in both English and Czech must also be completed. After the submission, the uploaded document will be checked by the plagiarism detection system.