Project “GUESS”

13. 5. 2024

Experts from our faculty, together with experts from Hellenic Open University, Maieutica Cooperativa de Ensino Superior CRL, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Panepistimio PatronTogether, they aim to give university students a better understanding of environmental sustainability through innovative game-based learning environments to promote a sustainable future through education. They have been working on this project since December 2023.

The project, titled “Gamified User-centered Environmental Sustainability for University Students” (GUESS), aims to enhance environmental sustainability knowledge among university students through a gamified learning environment, fostering engagement with sustainability principles for a more sustainable future.

Who is collaborating on this project from our faculty?

  • Our dean Ing. Jiří Schneider, Ph.D.
  • Vice-Dean for Internationalization Mgr. Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková, Ph.D.
  • Mgr. Ludmila Floková, Ph.D.

Why did this project start? Delving into the possibilities of blending gamification with sustainability education, by utilizing interactive digital tools and fostering collaborative learning environments, carries the promise of advancing the integration of sustainable practices in everyday life, catalyzing the evolution of eco-consciousness in higher education.

How does the project intend to achieve this? The hallmark of the “GUESS” (Gamified User-centered Environmental Sustainability for University Students) project lies in its innovative blend of gamification strategies with environmental education, aiming to cultivate a culture of Sustainable Thinking among students. By integrating engaging game mechanics with the critical subject matter of environmental sustainability, GUESS seeks to transform the educational landscape.

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