Apply for study stays and internships in countries outside the EU

17. 5. 2021
2nd round of the selection procedure for study stays and practical internships within the Erasmus + credit mobility program Applications by: May 21, 2021

Selection procedure for study stays and practical internships in countries outside the EU – ERASMUS + credit mobility


Until May 21 you can the apply for study stays and practical placements within the Erasmus + credit mobility program.

If you want to participate in the selection process, apply HERE.

Don’t forget to attach a cover letter in English to your application. The application will then be commented on by the project coordinator in the country you have chosen.

An overview of foreign institutions where it is possible to apply for Erasmus + credit mobility can be found HERE.

The selection procedure also includes a written and oral English language exam, which will take place from 31 May to 4 June 2021.

The results of the tender will be announced to candidates on June 14, 2021.

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