Visegrad Grant project No. 22030020

4. 5. 2022
The Faculty participates as one of the partners of the Visegrad project No. 22030020 entitled "Adopting good practices to improve regional environmental or climate plans in an innovative way"

Description of the main project objective

The basic problem of the program area is that we are not yet able to satisfy our modern everyday needs in a completely environmentally friendly way. However, we need to meet domestic and EU environmental targets, such as becoming carbon neutral by 2050. This requires us to replace the methods, technologies and ways of thinking that have been used in previous decades, which are now obsolete and inappropriate from an environmental point of view, with innovative, recent and environmentally friendly solutions, which are similar in the V4 countries due to their common historical past and Central European location. In the project we want to show that there are good local / domestic and foreign solutions, innovative technologies, innovative ideas that go beyond the existing concepts of each partner country. In this way, project participants are provided with the knowledge that is essential for structured planning for sustainable development. The main goal of the project is to get to know the participating countries’ innovative methods and technologies in accordance with the principle of sustainable development. These good practices can be successfully integrated into the environmental program and similar strategies and plans, and they can be effectively applied in practice, thus contributing to the EU and V4 objectives. Furthermore, the innovative knowledge learned is made available not only to local governments but also to small and medium-sized enterprises and the general public, thereby increasing society’s environmental awareness.

Partner countries



Project partner organization: Bács-Kiskun County Government
Statutory representative: Rideg László, president
Project coordinator: Gabriella Becsi Karpatine
Project coordinator’s e-mail:

Brief introduction of project partner organization:
One of the most important tasks of Bács-Kiskun County is the coordination of county regional development. In its regional development program, the Council is committed to creating a renewable, sustainable economic and social environment and a competitive, attractive area. Bács-Kiskun County is the region most affected by the adverse effects of climate change, therefore the county leadership attaches great importance to sustainable development and environmental protection, and also supports the achievement of national targets in this area. The Bács-Kiskun County Council prepared the county’s climate strategy within the framework of the tender entitled “Innovative Responses to Climate Change in Bács-Kiskun County” with the code number KEHOP-1.2.0-15-2016-00014, the main aim of which is to promote adaptation to climate change and setting out a framework for action to prevent climate change and outlining regional action lines. At the same time, the project enabled the formation of a wide-ranging approach and the expansion of society’s knowledge about climate change in Bács-Kiskun County. In addition, the project has resulted in the creation of the Climate Change Platform, which will make a significant contribution to sharing the strategy with sectoral actors and to the sustainability of the project’s results, thus strengthening local capacities to adapt to climate change. In addition, the County Council has several successful energy projects, one of which is creating a successful SECAP – TOP-3.2.1-15-BK1-2016-00044, in which the energy efficiency of several buildings in the area could be increased. The Visegrad Grants program provides an excellent opportunity for the Bács-Kiskun County Council to expand its knowledge on climate protection with cross-border good examples and practices, and vice versa. The newly opened international platform enables the Council to share its climate-friendly innovations, activities and experiences. not only at the regional level but also in the Visegrad countries.



Project partner organization: University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
Statutory representative: prof., Ing. Roman Boča, DrSc.
Project coordinator: Marta Kuhnová
Project coordinator’s e-mail:

Brief introduction of project partner organization:
For the project implementation will be responsible Faculty of Social Sciences. It is a young, medium-sized dynamic faculty with pronounces research orientation within the thematic trias “policy-administration-society.” We places special emphasis on initiating and maintaing a dialogue across traditional boundaries developing new form of interdisciplinary cooperation. We are strongly focus on green regional development and active networking with the authorities mainly on local and regional level. Our research activities include also citizen participation and strongly support bottom-up approach in practical aplication of local policies.


Czech Republic

Project partner organization: Mendel University of Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies
Statutory representative: Ing. Robert Plaga, Ph.D, Rektor
Project coordinator: Katerina Konecna
Project coordinator’s e-mail:

Brief introduction of project partner organization:
The Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies (FRRMS) is a young faculty (founded in 2008), however, during its short existence, thanks to its specialisation and international extent it has become an attractive institution offering education in Bachelor and Master study programmes. The main function of the faculty is development of educational as well as scientific-research activities focusing on all aspects of regional development within both national and international context.


    Event      Date     Venue 
 1.     Partner meeting and study visit   March 28-29, 2022   Kecskemét, 
 2.   Partner meeting and study visit   April 12-13, 2022  Trnava,
 3.   Partner meeting and study visit   April 25-26, 2022  Lednice, 
 4.   Mirror events    All countries 


The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

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