Summer school at the University of Pécs in Hungary

19. 8. 2024

At the beginning of July, several FRRMS students attended a summer school in Pécs, Hungary. This year’s theme was “Exploring the different ways of small town development in Central and Eastern Europe.”
Bc. Natálie Spoustová.

“I would like to share with you my experiences from the summer school at the University of Pécs in Hungary, which focused on exploring different ways of developing small towns in Central and Eastern Europe. The study programme was beneficial, inspiring and I would not hesitate to have the opportunity to have a similar experience again.

The lectures were not only interesting, but also at a high professional level. Thanks to the fact that the lecturers came from several European countries, their lectures were objective and, of course, varied. I especially appreciated the combination of theoretical knowledge with practical excursions to neighbouring Hungarian cities, which complemented the professional issues and my knowledge of Regional Development. The excursions also allowed us to get to know the city of Pécs, its surrounding small towns and Hungarian history and culture better. I think I am not speaking only for myself when I say that connecting theory with practice is always useful for students.

In addition to the professional programme, the summer school was enriched with leisure activities such as wine tasting at the vineyard of the University of Pécs, PubQuiz at a local bar and swimming at the thermal baths in Harkany. On the last evening of our stay we had the opportunity to attend a light show at a festival in the centre of Pécs. These activities contributed to filling our free time, enjoying getting to know the other participants, and most importantly making new friends.

I cannot but mention the perfect organization of the whole week’s program. Everything was planned in detail and the program was really varied and full from morning to evening. I would like to thank all the organizers for their valuable time, helpful attitude and assistance in all aspects.”

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