On this page you will find out the most common requests and what must be part of them.

Most applications can be submitted electronically through the Contact Centre, which can be found in the UIS Student Portal.

If you have already been to university, there is an opportunity to have your successfully completed courses recognised. Recognition of courses is based on a comparison of course syllabi or language certificates, etc. It is not the name of the course that is important, but its content.

The number of credits you would have received for the course at FRDIS will be recognised. However, the classification remains the same.

Limitations on course recognition:
  • A maximum of 60% of the total credit value of a given course can be recognized. Applications that exceed this limit will be denied.
  • A maximum of 108 credits may be accepted for the bachelor’s degree.
  • A maximum of 72 credits may be accepted for a continuing master’s degree.
  • Recognition or non-recognition is determined by the identity of the syllabi.
  • Pass/fail courses cannot be accepted as examination-ended courses.
How to apply for recognition of courses?

You can apply for recognition of courses via the Contact Centre in the UIS (Student Portal – Contact Centre – 009_Z: Application for recognition of course(s) ). You must submit a confirmed course listing with its classification as an attachment to your application, as well as confirmed course syllabi. Only if you are having courses taken in previous studies at FRRMS recognized, you do not need to submit the course list or syllabi.


You should pay attention to the requirements for admission to the following semester, because credits from recognized courses do not count towards the credits required for admission to the next semester, they only count towards the total number of credits. Therefore, it is necessary to check the number of credits after recognition and, if necessary, add some courses to your enrolment.

Interruption of studies can only be granted for a full semester. The total period of interruption of study may not exceed half the standard period of study. At the Bachelor’s degree study programme, studies may be interrupted for a maximum of 3 semesters. At the Master´s degree study programme, studies may be interrupted for a maximum of 2 semesters. Studies may be interrupted repeatedly. Studies cannot be interrupted for the first semester.

In order to interrupt your studies, you must submit an application for interruption of studies and also meet the prerequisite for enrolment in the following semester. The application for interruption of studies must be delivered signed to the Study Department either in person, by mail or by data box.

Other requests for interruption of studies can be submitted electronically via the Contact Centre at UIS. These are the request for extension of interruption of studies, request for early termination of interruption of studies and request for re-enrolment.


A person is not a student during the period of interruption of studies.

The period of interrupted study is counted within the maximum period of study.

Interruption of studies for medical or other serious reasons

Interruption of studies for health or other serious reasons may be requested during the semester. However, it must be justified and the reasons must be documented (a request for interruption of studies for health reasons must be accompanied by medical reports).   

Interruption of studies due to pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood

Interruption of studies for reasons of pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood is always possible, but at the earliest 8 weeks before giving birth. Studies may be interrupted for the entire recognised period of parenthood. In order to apply for interruption of studies, a pregnancy certificate and then the child’s birth certificate must be submitted to the study department.

If you are in a situation where you are unable or no longer wish to continue your studies, in order for us to be aware of this, you need to deliver a Declaration of dropping out of studies to the Study Office either in person, by post or by data box. The request must be signed. You can use the form Declaration on dropping out of my studies in the Contact Centre.

The date of withdrawal will then be the date on which your written statement of withdrawal is received by the University. You cannot withdraw retrospectively.

Apply for an exceptional enrolment if you have not obtained the minimum number of credits required for enrolment in the next semester. Submit the request when you are certain that you will not earn the minimum number of credits. Simply submit your request for emergency enrollment electronically through the Contact Center at UIS. Include in your request all the reasons that led to this situation. For example, you may attach medical reports or other documents to support your request and reasons.

If you are currently in your first semester and have not been able to earn 15 credits, use the request for an exception to be enrolled without 15 ECTS credits.

If you are in your second semester or higher and have failed to earn 40 credits in the last two semesters, use the request for an exception to be enrolled without 40 ECTS credits.

You may be enrolled in each course a maximum of two times. If you do not successfully complete the course the first time, you may enroll in the course again. However, if you are unable to complete the course a second time, you must request to cancel your course registration in order to enroll in the course a third time.

Simply submit your request for course cancellation electronically through the Contact Center in UIS. Include in your request all the reasons that led to this situation. You may attach, for example, medical reports or other documents to support your request and reasons.

Am I entitled to a merit scholarship?

All students who have a weighted average of up to 1.5 in their assessment for the previous academic year are eligible for a merit scholarship. At the same time, they must also fulfill all the following conditions:

  • The student is enrolled in the following year.
  • The student has earned at least 30 credits in the standard period of study during the applicable period.
  • The student has successfully completed all courses enrolled in the applicable period.

The amount of the scholarship varies according to the weighted average. Application for a merit scholarship can be made through the Contact Center at UIS. Be sure to enter your bank account number into UIS before applying for a housing scholarship.

Am I entitle to a mobile scholarship?

A mobility scholarship is an extraordinary scholarship awarded to students by the dean on the proposal of the vice dean for foreign affairs as a contribution to the student’s study mobility abroad.

The mobility scholarship is not used to finance mobility for which MENDELU has already provided a scholarship.

The request is made in the Contact Center at UIS. Applications are collected twice a year, at the end of the registration change period.