Looking for a solution

Operational issues

If you have experienced inadequate cleaning please report it to us using the form below and we will try to resolve the issue with the cleaning company.

To report your ICT requirements or problems (e.g. printer not working, purchase/selection of new equipment, moving staff, VPN/eduroam setup, installation of specific software, assistance with online meetings, etc.) use the form at the link below.

Write in the fault book at reception, the entries are dealt with by local maintenance. If the problem is more complex it will be referred to the Operations Department.

The record must include: date, room number, description of the defect and the name of the person who recorded the defect.

Attendance – records of time worked

During the calendar month there is no problem to consult the attendance related problem with the secretary of the institutes, at the turn of the month due to the workload and attendance processing is not possible!!!

Please submit a properly completed attendance form no later than the last calendar day of the month first thing in the morning, earlier if possible.

The system sends attendance on the last day of the calendar month at midnight, however, it is meant to be EMERGENCY.

You must have all approved leave for the month entered in your attendance record (lit in green), if it is lit in red, please sort out in time, send to the institutes secretary when it is lit in green!!! (Do not request leave on days/put leave or SC on calendar days that are not set as employee work days!)

At the same time, keep track of the balances of the payroll (see online attendance, see payroll)

Enter all the SCs that took place in a given month, preferably by clicking the icon – full day / ½ day (the system will calculate the hours itself within the employee’s working time).

Please do not enter SC beyond working hours. Saturdays/Sundays/holidays yes, in which case each employee will complete a Pay Surcharge form concurrently with attendance (complete lines 3, 4 and columns D or E) – then have their supervisor sign and bring to the office of the Institutional Secretary by the end of the calendar month.

In the attendance record, use code 107 Business Travel, not 109 Performance of Work on Business.

Do not change the time settings in the online attendance! If you wish to have a different working time distribution, not evenly, you need to fill in the form Determination of individual conditions under flexible working time distribution – signed by the head of the institute, sent to the OŘLZ and the OŘLZ sets the change in SAP. Only then can it be reconfigured in the online attendance system if it does not automatically set itself within the interconnectivity of the systems.

Study department, UIS

Applications for all types of scholarships (except accommodation, welfare and government scholarships) can be made via the Contact Centre form in UIS. The scholarship must be entered into the KC no later than the last working day of the month, if entered later it will not be included for payment until the following month.

If you have any questions, please contact Registrar – Maciej Molak.

The procedure and FAQs for thesis management can be found on a separate page, see the link below.

International Affairs

Please complete the University-wide form continuously throughout the year to keep a record of planned and unplanned visits from abroad that you are undertaking with us. We need the following information: first name, last name, institution and state they are from, academic X non-academic, purpose of visit, funding source (if known), and date of visit (from-to).

Science and research

To apply for an award for a SandR output (publication, project) under the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies’ Career Management Incentive Scheme for Academic Staff, please complete this imprimatur. Rewards are dealt with on a bi-monthly basis. Please also complete the SandV Report Form at the same time so that the record is recorded in OBD.

The current version of the programme can be found here Nařízení děkana č. 1/2024 Motivační program na podporu řízení kariéry akademických pracovníků Fakulty regionálního rozvoje a mezinárodních studií Mendelovy univerzity v Brně [.pdf]

Project Department

In this document you will find the basic rules of cooperation with the FRRMS project department, a description of the role in the projects and the scope of activities in the implementation of projects in cooperation with the project department.

Current form for awarding rewards by heads of institutes and project researchers.

  • You will find on the website of the Rectorate’s project department (https://porek.mendelu.cz/), information about currently open and upcoming calls for projects, general information about the most important domestic and foreign agencies, and instructions for filling in the project cover sheet (https://porek.mendelu.cz/projektove-centrum/25221-pruvodni-list-projektu). On the same website you can also subscribe to the newsletter, find the tender documents for currently open calls, etc.
  • You can also follow the overview of new project open calls in the Trello environment, where you can find all the necessary information for each call. Calls include a short overview based on the project documentation. For more information on how to set up and use Trello, please see the attached manual.
  • Create a “SPP prvek(unique accounting number)” (project identifier in the accounting system) and then a signature
  • Agree with the head of the institute, project office and the secretary on the setting up of the full-time positions, or preparation of the part-time job agreemnt
  • Arrange signing of the grant agreement
  • Arrange signing of the project participation agreement (if applicable)
  • Other as per programme or donor rules

Public relation

The applications below are for easier communication and clear record keeping.

Let me know at any time if you need any advice. Jan Krist

  • Fill out the paper/event summary (title, date, time, classroom, or paper/project details) at the link below. If it is an invitation, remember to include the reason why students should come, i.e. what the talk will be about, who the speaker is, why it is interesting. If you are aiming at a specific target group (students / staff) state this.
  • Attach any graphic materials you have – e.g. a photo of the speaker, a photo of the topic, company logos, etc.
  • The form is used to record all promotional activities related to FRRMS.
  • If you are going to organize an event at the faculty, or you are going to travel somewhere in the country or abroad, you want to invite a guest for a public lecture, etc… Please fill out the following form.
  • The form also includes registration of promotional materials for which you choose whether or not you require them and, if applicable, in what form
  • Do you have information that you would like to disseminate through internal communication channels to other colleagues? For example, a newly approved project, a major discovery, an award or a new habilitation at the Institute?
  • Please list them in the form below, which serves primarily as an information gathering tool.