This year we decided to take a different approach to Advent – instead of giving to ourselves, we want to give together to those who need it most. We have dedicated each of the three weeks until Christmas to a charity collection. These collections will run until the end of the year, but we’ll reveal them one at a time, each on a Monday.
We dedicated the last week of our Advent collections to collecting books for children in Guimaras. This idea was brought about by the students of the Master’s programme in International Area Studies, Eva Křetínská, Petra Kotlánová and Anna Slezáková, who went on a trip to the Philippines in September this year and had the opportunity to experience first-hand the living conditions of the local inhabitants of the island of Guimaras.
What can you donate?
The collection focuses mainly on books in English – welcome:
- Children’s books
- Encyklopedia
- Fiction, science fiction and fantasy
- Any other literature
How will your donations help?
Thanks to your books, not only the children of Guimaras will have access to valuable knowledge, education and entertainment. The library will enable the local community to develop their skills, deepen their knowledge of English and share the joy of reading.
Where to drop off the collection?
This project is implemented in collaboration with Yvona Brázdilová, who runs a non-profit organization in Guimaras, and with the support of the University of Ostrava.
You can bring your donations:
- Faculty – temporary library at the study department.
How will the books be transported?
Thanks to the cooperation with Mrs. Yvona, the books will be transported to Guimaras either by ship or by a special shipping channel.
Help with us!
Your books can inspire and educate generations.
Thank you for helping!
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